Educating and Inspiring Filmmakers

Grant vs Sponsorship

Charitable Grant or a Charitable Sponsorship?

Charitable Grant

A charitable grant occurs when a charitable trust–in this case the PNC Foundation– provides a gift to a charitable organization to further its charitable mission and in which the PNC Foundation receives no tangible benefit in return for having made the charitable gift. The recipient charitable organization may provide PNC with a token appreciation gift and promotion / recognition of the PNC brand for making the gift. Packaged admission to an event / tickets, branded giveaway items used to promote business or products, product promotion, and other tangible items / benefits are not permitted to be funded by a grant.

Charitable Sponsorship

A charitable sponsorship is a payment made by a business to a qualified charitable organization to further its charitable mission which in return receives, among other things, promotion of its brand. Certain tangible benefits are permitted, such as certain media promotion of the brand, program booklet recognition of the brand, packaged admission / tickets to an event, company logos / brands on giveaway items and/or a branded table at a function, and other permitted tangible benefits.